Spirit Baby
Learn to Communicate with Your Unborn Baby and Communicate with Your Own Body for an Easier Birth.

It is a labour of love, dedication and the content is rich and overflowing! I highly recommend connecting with your baby, gaining far reaching insights into life not yet realised. So many explorations presented in a n exquisite way by Helena. A must for every Goddess. Namaste.”
—Shikhara, Prenatal yoga teacher

Do you want to communicate with your unborn baby?
Do you desire a smooth, swift, natural birthing process?
Did you know that your psychic ability peaks during pregnancy?
Perhaps a few years ago I would have walked past it, but thankfully that is not the me of today. As a result, Helena Clare entered my consciousness at exactly the right moment. And that wasn’t a coincidence. I loved the calm I felt picking the book up, and the poetry is moving—and also witty. I had the biggest smile reading My Body Is Not My Own, a poem that is hilarious in how profoundly honest it is, poking fun at the biological shifts that happen to our bodies while we await the transition of our spirit baby from their world into our own. The photography is absolutely stunning. Overall, this is the perfect book for those who are thinking about, ready to, or even already in the physical stages of bringing a child into their lives.
-Jamie Michele for Readers’ Favorite
In this powerful book, she shares with you her own pregnancy journey and the techniques that facilitated her communion with her unborn child, plus an empowering labour, so you can do the same with your own pregnancy and birth process.
- Connect psychically to your unborn child
- Access angelic assistance in your pregnancy and labour
- Communicate with your body for an easier, swifter birth
- Deepen your bond with your baby
Helena [is] incredible with her deep belief and undoubting trust in her baby, her body and the natural process as it unfolded in its own unique way. Unwavering faith and deeply spiritual births! It is wonderful Helena has embodied her journey and techniques she used in this beautiful book.”
—Sr Heather Pieterse, Practicing midwife, ante-natal educator, Founder and Manager of Midwives Exclusive

In this beautiful, short book, author Helena Clare shares empowering poems, meditations, and exercises for the mum-to-be.
Helena’s unborn son told her why she hadn’t yet conceived him, despite several years of trying. He continued to communicate with her during pregnancy, advising her what to eat, when to rest, what he wanted to be called, and even the date and time he would be born, accurate to within twenty minutes.
Through communicating with her body and drawing on angelic support, the author realized her goal of a four-hour labour with no painkillers. In this powerful book, she shares with you her own pregnancy journey and the techniques that facilitated her communion with her unborn child, plus an empowering labour, so you can do the same with your own pregnancy and birth process.