Today I wanted to talk about how to be a lightworker. For me, being a lightworker doesn’t mean you have to meditate everyday. At the most basic level being a lightworker is somebody who gives to the world and improves the world in someway, even if its just the lives of the people around them. So for me it is not specifically about following a particular belief system or even being hugely spiritual.

Can Anyone Become A Lightworker?
Whilst for me lightwork is just about trying to improve the world around you, the term lightworker is usually used in the sense of spiritual light work. So by that we mean something more specific; using your energetic vibration in a very intentioned way to heal or improve the world. For instance, in one of the books I’ve recently released The Lightseeker’s Manual I focus on giving you the tools to raise your spiritual vibrations. I give you clear exercises to unlock and focus your power to heal the world and others around you. With the tools I provide through the books and courses on the Lightseeker’s Way platform what I really want to help you do is become a lightworker yourself and help to raise the vibration of the planet.
How Can Lightworkers Really Make a Difference?
When we look at the world there are so many challenges and problems yet to be solved and so, it is so important that as many people as possible turn their energy to healing the world. These blogs and videos are all created with the intention of helping you do that! What I suggest in The Lightseeker’s Manual is firstly, to focus the world’s portals. We can think of them as energy doorways where energy can come into the earth. We need to keep those portals clear and open.

We Need Lightseekers Across The Globe To Come Together!
The Lightseeker’s Manual gives very specific guidance on opening these portals and lightworkers across the planet coming together can help unlock the spiritual golden age! If you would like to help clear the planet’s portals you can view the grid references here:… If you live near one of these portal you can go to the portal and undertake a meditation, with a clear intention to clear and energize the portal, to let love knowledge and good energy flow into the world. I really encourage you to read The Lightseeker’s Manual and start raising the vibration of the planet today! It is wonderful to open these portal I’ve done this with other lightworkers over the years and honestly it is an amazing feeling!

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